tell them you have a GTP.
Magically it'll be listed.
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tell them you have a GTP.
Magically it'll be listed.
Oh they found the gasket...had to look it up under thermostat housing gasket. But it still leaks.
If you used a gasket and it's still leaking that usually is either a cracked t stat housing (which I haven't ever seen) or a need to clean the gasket surfaces better.
use rtv
lol exactly
Ok that's my plan for tonight. I will look it over good but don't how I could have cracked the housing. You never know though for sure.
Thanks much guys!
I'd say it's more likely a dirty gasket surface. That's my typical experience when someone says it's leakin
I'll go get a new gaket today and clean the surfaces good then put some grey rtv on it. Maybe that will do the trick. Never though a T stat replacement would take me 3 tries. argggg
Thanks Matt for the edit. My phones browser would not allow it
To the OP here is the stuff to use after you cleaned the surfaces