Ok I am new here and love this place. I usually just surf and look at all the awesome how to's.
EDIT: 1999 3.8l non supercharged. Grand Prix
History of the car: Bought it 4 years ago 97,000k miles. Replaced Harmonic balancer(trying to fix noise) had tune-up and PCV valve replacement(high pitch noise.) Followed suggested maintenance scheduel. After 2 years had transmission replaced with a used one, car had 126,000, replacement tranny had 70,000. I had no money and no real choice, tranny was DESTROYING itself cause the gasket went bad and went low on fluid. Apparently an issue before i got the car but got worse when i had it. Also had intake manifold rebuilt and upgraded to newest version. Tires, alignments, bearings,... etc. Stuff that is not really relavent to this I don't think. Also it has a K&N cone filter and new mufflers(shouldn't matter.)
Recent issue: Fuel pump making noise. replaced fuel filter, did not help. Followed guide posted here and replaced the pump myself. Actually the whole unit, cause its one peice. Worked fine already drove around 500 miles on it no problems and is very quiet.
Current Issue: I was driving down the road tonight. Car seemed to not have an HP or Tourqe. I push on the gas pedal and it kinda gave something but then quickly stopped. Car was coasting, i pushed the pedle and nothing happened, no power. The cars lights are on, the Tac shows the RPM's randomly jumping between 0-2000. Like the car is having an issue. If i pushed on the pedal it still would not give anymore power, but exhaust sound seemed to be muffled when i did it.
I turned off the stereo, tried pushing on pedal. Nothing. I put it in neutral, tried pushing on pedal and letting off and push. Eventually i got some power back. Then the car seemed to work find, put it back in drive and picked up from coasting. Scenario lasted maybe 45-60 seconds.
Driving down the road some more, turn stereo back on. Driving couple of minutes later issue started again, pushed on pedal couple of times. Nothing, turned off stereo and put in neutral. Pushed on pedals no reaction still. Starting going up a hill, then engine completely shut off 0RPM. Car is still on, lights etc. Actually the battery and oil light came on, like when you have the ignition on but the car is not running. I coasted and pulled over. Turned everything off. Turned key, almost started not long enough, turned again. Started just fine, the car drove like nothing happened. I did get pulled over later so i had the car off for like 10 mins. But other than that it drove me 15 more miles where i needed to be. But i need to fix it because i will be driving home from college in 2 weeks. 200 miles.
I also remember the couple of times i was in my car tonight before this, when i started the car it seemed to have an issue turning over. Sometimes took me 2 tries to start it. But i figured i did not try long enough (like 1-2 seconds) i just flipped it and let go (less than a seconds.)
I would appreciate any input or troubleshooting techniques. No check engine light so no error codes
Should i take it somewhere and what should i tell them to try and get help?