I installed a new door handle to my Pontiac sine the old one would only opened on a good day.Now the door wont open from either side i have no idea what to do now anyone have any advice?
I installed a new door handle to my Pontiac sine the old one would only opened on a good day.Now the door wont open from either side i have no idea what to do now anyone have any advice?
Which handle did you replace, interior or exterior?
Is the door panel off?
Nope but from what i remember even with it off i cant reach the mechanism.I did this a year ago when my clutch also needing repair i bought another car out of frustration.But i miss driving my 3.4 DOHC everyday.
sounds like the linkage rods fell off maybe. the plastic clips wear out and break.
best bet might be to take the pass side door panel off and see if you can with looking at it fish a rod to the main latch and open the door, then mirror what you did on the driver side.
He said he can't open the door though to fix it...
The cheapest route here might be to pry off the door panel off and try to pull the interior rod hard enough to open the door. With this method, you'll just need a new door panel.
The more expensive but probably easier route would be to cut yourself a nice sized hole in the outside of the door, and try to pull the rods and open the door that way. Then you'll just need a new door.
If he can't open the door, how's he gonna be able to fix the rods?
I think by open he meant like take trim panel off, SD.
Path of least resistance is gonna be to take out the armrest screws and the one behind the courtesy light if applicable, then to pull the trim panel loose at bottom rear and well... work your way in there or get the panel off completely. It might survive if you're careful.
Take it to a body shop. They specialize in this kind of thing.
you can likely lower the window, then slowly and carefully lift the top of the panel off the rubber block, then remove the rubber and maybe even see the latch.
opening up the pass side is really just a recon plan for the driver side.
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