Hi Everyone,
First post here as I'm a new member. I've searched through the threads and can't find anything similar to what has been happening with my car so I thought I would start a new thread and ask for your input / advice. My car is a 1998 3.1 SE with 240,000kms, automatic transmission. I'll try to be as brief and concise as possible,
I've owned the car for 2.5 years it ran beautifully for the first year, the temp guage read consistently 83*C, then it developed a leak and the low coolant light was on, turned out it was the water pump which I replaced, everything back to normal (no light, no leaking).....jump ahead 1 year to about 3 months ago, coolant light back on, loosing coolant and car was overheating due to major coolant loss. Took the car in and the shop advised that the timing chain cover gasket was leaking. I could see coolant dripping off of a hose near that area so it made sense. I replaced the timing chain cover gasket and there hasn't been any leaks. However, the low coolant light has stayed on ever since the gasket was replaced. I replaced the radiator cap after the gasket change as the old one looked pretty old. I took the car in to have a coolant flush and they said the radiator cap was not holding pressure so they replaced it and everything was fine according to them. The low coolant light was still on. When I took it home the temp climbed up above 100*C, I was getting nervous because I assumed the temp should stay around 83*C. I took a couple trips ~35kms each way, when I was on the highway the temp stayed around 85*, but if i was idling or stopped in traffic the temp gauge climbs back up to above 100*. If I turn on the A/C the temp guage stays cooler around 85*. I was getting frustrated trying to figure out what was going on so I took it back to the shop explained everything to them and this is what they told me:
They hooked up the car to the computer and confirmed that the radiator fans are coming at 105* and shutting off at 95*, which is what they're supposed to do. They pressure tested the cooling system and no leaks or loss of pressure. They used an infra-red heat gun and confirmed the t-stat is opening and closing at the correct temperatures. They said low coolant light is most likely a bad level sensor, but said it won't interfere with the performance or operation, but could change it if I wanted to. Other than that they said the car appears to be working as it's designed.
My question is this, does this seem like the cooling system is working fine? Does the temp gauge move around (up a bit then down all the time?) I always thought it should pretty much stay consistent at all times. Is there anything else to check? Needless to say I feel like I've exhausted all possibilities that I can think of and took it in and was told it's working ok, but it just seems weird to me. Maybe the car was running too cold the first year so now I think it's running bad but now it's actually working. Thanks for your input.