So it was exactly a week after I bought my car, a 2002 Grand Prix SE and I was driving home from work, the car was still cold as I had only driven a block. Wanting to feel the take off speed I floored it from the light. My last car was a Firebird and peak torque was around 3500 if I remember correctly and it rose slower. Not being used to the speed at which the rpm climbed, by the time I checked it it was a 5500 so I eased off. At what I think was the second gear change, I felt and heard a loud explosion that felt like it came from the rear of the car. Looking in my rearview mirror, I saw was seemed like a plastic bag blowing away. At the light I noticed my oil light came on and my car was smoking. Luckily, my house was less then a block away and by the time I got home I had my girlfriend drive me back out when I saw the leaking oil and found the filter. After a new filter and oil, the car is driving fine now, but there are some questions that I have. As I was driving some oil was blown on my exhaust pipe and possibly the cat. I did my best to wipe all of it off, is there damage? And how out of line was I with pushing my car's rev's that high, I mean my Firebird would easily go that high with no problems and it had 135000, my Grand Prix has 87000. Does anyone know what could have caused this? An improperly tightened oil filter? And I accept all flak that I will get from you guys