Can you normally see a broken flex plate by taking the service cover off and turning the engine over with a screwdriver. I couldnt see anything when i did this. I had the starter off so I could see really well too.
Well thanks for the help. I was gonna make a vid but figured first i'd do the rev thing that Bill said. Instead of a rev blip it was a rev blip BLAM. Well at least I know the problem now. I was surprised it threw the rod tho being the knock wasn't super loud. Either way there is a hole in the front of my block now. So thanks for the help Bill. Just kidding. Haha.
Looks like I'll just have to go get another motor. Would have had to weather it threw rod or not. 150 for a used engine or 500+ for a rebuild that may or may not last over a few hundred miles thats a no brainer.
$150 for a motor.. that's a very good price.
I'm always here to help. And think of it this way.. I saved you time and effort.
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