Today while accelerating from a stop the car's RPM's would go up a little bit then all of a sudden there would be a bang. This happened about 10 times or so. If you let off the brake in gear the car will pull as normally, then when throttle was applied there would be a small increase in acceleration and then a split second following, the car lurches a little and then accelerates fine. I was watching the trans temps on the Aeroforce and this was happening all the way from when I started the car (50*) to when I got home (135*). About an hour's drive. Also, up shifts while moving sometimes felt a little lazy. But only once or twice, nowhere near like the from stop behavior. Is this the end? For what it's worth, I installed a ZZP shift kit and changed out half the fluid (no flush) about 5 or 6k miles ago mainly because I was having the PCS issue with the harsher shifting. That cured that for the most part. As for my driving style, it's not gentle but I'm not a racekar driver either. Car will see one or two WOT pulls a day. Sometimes not even. Almost at 69k miles now. Time for some Lucas all up in this thing?

Thanks for any advice.