For the first time on the way home from a bit of a long trip, my trans started shifting hard from 1st - 2nd, 2nd - 3rd, and I believe from 4th - TQ converter lockup. This is the first time it has ever done that, and it's only at 109,500 miles and the fluid looks very good. I'm not hard on my engine or trans at all, today I did some freeway passing but that's normal. I believe it was flushed by the previous owner a year ago or longer since the fluid looks good. The trans pan bolts look untouched (as if the filter wasn't changed). Engine temp was at 200-205 the whole way. I let it sit in a parking lot for 5 minutes or so and started driving again and it stopped, but started again as I made my way home. Temperature seems to be a factor. I just got this car in late October too. A friend of mine had a similar issue with his Monte Carlo, and his fluid was a brown color. It cost him 1,500 for a rebuild. Does this mean my trans is due for costly service or replacement? Anything I can do to help it? I really don't have the money to spend on this...
I have checked out this page
There are 3 sections for hard shifts with different codes. Can I pull trans codes with a regular scan tool? There were never any lights on the dash.
I have this code reader: