Mine just started doing the same thing about a week ago.
video-2012-06-29-14-04-42 - YouTube
At first I thought I had some sort of ignition/fuel issue. It seemed when the car gets warm this happens (video above). Step on gas, engine just bogs down, builds boost, etc. If I pull off the road and shut the car off for a few minutes, it works fine upon restart. This has been happening for nearly a year, and ever since I first bought the car in '05, it's had the TCC stuttering issue at highway speed with a bit of throttle applied (RPM bounces up and down a few hundred instead of downshifting).
This past Saturday it started doing the stuttering thing again, so I pulled into a neighborhood to shut it off. I came up to a stop sign, figured I was too close so I put it in reverse (from drive, haven't been to "park" yet) to get some space between myself and the intersection. No reverse. Back to drive - now no drive either. Shut the car off, re-started a few minutes later, still not engaging in any gear. Tried drive, 3, 2, reverse, etc. Every gear is neutral. I replaced the range switch, but that wasn't the problem. Got the car home (yay AAA), and unhooked a fluid line to check for flow. No fluid flow. Dropped the pan to change the filter, plenty of fluid (was full on dipstick before I drained), and the pan/fluid was surprisingly clean. No debris in the pan, fluid wasn't burned. Just looked like old fluid, still a slight pinkish tint and no weird smell. Roughly 200k on trans, and about 110k since last fluid change, although I did add a few quarts of new fluid last year when I installed an external cooler thinking it was the tranny just getting hot and causing this issue. :-/
Replaced the filter, added new fluid, still nothing. Trans won't engage any gear, and no pressure at the cooler.
Oil pump? Torque converter? I have no idea where to go from here, and don't want to rip it out to replace something internal, only to discover it isn't the issue. Hoping it's a simple fix, but it's looking like I'll be dropping the trans and taking it to a shop.
Any ideas?
Cliff's notes:
Not engaging any gear
replaced range switch, no dice
no fluid flow/pressure at trans cooler
replaced filter and fluid, no dice
many beers were had.
EDIT: Also, no codes. Granted, I don't have a Tech II, but I do have the DHP and a bluetooth OBD reader for my phone.