Or..you can skip needing a set of VB gaskets and not take the valve body and channel plate apart. Leave them bolted together for less work.
Remove bolts 230, 231, 377, 805, 433, 434, 435, 436, 374, 379, 380, 384
Pull side cover
Pull wiring harness and remove epc/shift soleniod.
Remove pump bolts (not silver one)
Remove the bolts mentioned to get the vb/channel plate off as one unit.
Remove the 4th clutches and hub
Remove o-ring from input shaft on torque converter side
Remove drive/driven gears and chains along with input shaft
Swap input shaft on drive gear
Put drive/driven and chains back into case
Wiggle 4th clutch hub into place
Put 4th clutches and steels back in place, making sure the thickest steel goes on first (it's the apply plate, I think it's called)
Put your new channel plate gaskets in place
Lay channel plate and VB back on.
Torque each bolt to it's correct spec (one of 97in lbs, 106in lbs, 11ft lbs and 18ft lbs)
Put pump back on and torque to spec
Put soleniods and wiring harness back in place
replace side cover and torque to spec.
BTW..I forgot if the pump shaft is before or after the vb/channel plate. It's in there though. Thinkin after, before pump. It's early and no coffee yet. That's off the top of my head.