I have been having some problems with the trans upshifting from 2nd to 3rd for awhile now. When going through town, it will not shift 2-3. Rpm's are reading about 2500 when at 35mph, but once I reach 40mph it will will shift into 4th, but its a very harsh shift. So as of right now I have 1,2, and 4th.
Now when I come back into town from highway speeds, it will downshift from 4th to 3rd and hold nice and steady, but as soon as it gets below 30mph it shifts back into 2nd and if I try going 30mph and over again same thing happens. NO 2-3 shift.
I've had problems with it surging in 3rd prior to it not shifting. When it would go to shift into 3rd it would buck and kick so I'm assuming thats the tc lock up causing that? And then all of a sudden no upshift to 3rd?
I've asked around and noone seems to no know what im talking about so I figured I would get on here and ask. I'm curous if maybe a solenoid is out since it still downshifts from 4-3 or if something else is messed up here. I plan on doing a pan drop to change the fluid even tho its only been in there for about 5000 miles.
Any other ideas?
I cannot tell you enough how much your help will be appreciated!