I have a 2005 Impala that has the slip-from-a-stop-then-bang-into-gear problem. It has been getting progressively worse over time, until it has gotten to the point where it will do it if I'm at a stop for any more than about five seconds. I have read that this is usually caused by fluid leakage around a worn input clutch apply piston.
The one thing that makes it not slip is by manually putting it into 1st gear at a stop, then switching back to Drive as I accelerate. I have also read that this is because manual 1st increases the transmission line pressure enough to overcome the leak and keep first gear fully applied.
So my question is this: Is there a way to program the PCM to apply higher main line pressure when I stop so that it's effectively manual 1st without having to shift into it? It would just be a band-aid fix until I get the money for a rebuild. The car has a column shifter, so it's a real hassle to constantly shift between 1st and Drive in city traffic.