Ok so I took it out for a drive heres what I found. P1810. Ill start with reverse, car moves no where can feel some kind of a shift happening. Engine will only rev to 3k rpm because of the tc. Put the car in neutral and it will drive starting in second gear it will shift to third but couldnt get up fast enough to see if od would work. Same with D and 3 as neutral. 1 and 2 if I rev to 2k it will start to try to move barely but as soon as I let go of throttle it acts as if im hitting the brakes. When i went to shut it down i put it in park and tried to rev the engine and i felt the car lurch until the pawl engaged and realized i cant rev the engine over 3k there either. Could the switches be causing fault to not know what gear im in and having forward and reverse engaged at the same time?